
[1year and 150th day at CFNI] Our life Year-end and New Year 2020-2021

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your prayers and support.

We were scheduled to return to Japan on December 30th, Japan time, but we will remain in the United States until May.

We ended up spending the year-end and New Year holidays in the United States, which I was supposed to spend in Japan. This is the second year-end and New Year holidays in the United States for our family. By the way, I spent the year-end and New Year holidays last year like this.*only Japanese

What were your year-end and New Year holidays? I think it was very different from last year.

We had a movie shoot of the project we were doing until just before returning to Japan. I was doing it until the last minute I was planning to return to Japan. Now that I can’t return to Japan, I was able to shoot it to the end. For this reason, We laughed and talked about whether God left it here ^^

The project is a digital mixer lesson for Japanese churches.

Click to jump to the playlist

This is a video in which Professor Lee Jeho of Living Sound, teaches about digital mixer for me. I have never used a mixer. Now, I’m editing subtitles, and 4 uploads have been completed. I will report again when all the uploads are completed.

New Year’s Eve has participated in countdown services every time since our marriage. Last year I went to the countdown service of the Korean church, but this year it was held at ICC Texas, where we belong, so I participated there.

Most Japanese people go to the temple to pray after the countdown or on January 1st morning. It’s called HATSUMODE. It’s Japanese traditional culture. But they don’t have faith.

We are Christian. So our family HATSUMODE is worship and pray to Jesus.

Please take a look at the situation from 30 seconds before 2021 at International Christian Church. ; )

The New Year’s prayer is not special, but it is very meaningful to dedicate the first time of 2021 to God.

It’s a big difference from my college days when I went to the shrine to pray to win the lottery, then watched gang stars on the streets, and then went hunting girls. After accepting Jesus Christ as the Savior, I was born again.

The place of the countdown has changed from a night club to a church, and sing worship that praises God from this mouth. I don’t think I could understand the joy of living in the grace of living, a new year, and a new day. I am truly grateful for the faith given by the help of the Holy Spirit.

I am grateful for the grace that I have been given faith in seeking the Holy Spirit from where I was seeking my own desires.

Most of the clothes donated for others because of returning to Japan, but We received a lot of donations again.

And from the first day of the year, I have been serving as a homepage creator. Actually, I was planning to return to Japan and start Japanese missions, so I want to do activities related to Japanese missions while staying in the United States as much as possible. Now, thanks to the Internet, we are in an era where we can do activities that help missions even in remote areas.

So, the spring semester will start soon. I’ll enjoy the additional Biblical counseling Major. I hope all of you reading the blog have blessed by God. I pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ that the Lord will eliminate all the anxieties of COVID-19, be full of gratitude, and live a life centered on love.

We look forward to praying for Jesus with you this year as well.

Yasu, Kii, Yua, Noa

[JP][EN]家族で留学1年と150日目 クリスチャン家族の初詣はこれだ!?留学生活2回目の年末年始








いつもお世話になっているLiving Soundのジェホさんに、音響ド素人の僕が教えてもらうという動画です。いま字幕編集をしていて、4本アップロードが完了しています。全てアップロードが出来たら、また報告させていただきます。











9 ですから、あなたがたに言います。求めなさい。そうすれば与えられます。探しなさい。そうすれば見出します。たたきなさい。そうすれば開かれます。 10 だれでも、求める者は手に入れ、探す者は見出し、たたく者には開かれます。 11 あなたがたの中で、子どもが魚を求めているのに、魚の代わりに蛇を与えるような父親がいるでしょうか。 12 卵を求めているのに、サソリを与えるような父親がいるでしょうか。 13 ですから、あなたがたは悪い者であっても、自分の子どもたちには良いものを与えることを知っています。それならなおのこと、天の父はご自分に求める者たちに聖霊を与えてくださいます

新改訳2017 新約聖書 ルカの福音書11:9-13





ということで、間もなく春学期が始まります。追加で与えられたBiblical counselingの授業を楽しんで受けてきます。ブログをお読みの皆さんも祝福の一年でありますように。主によってコロナの様々な不安が全て消え去り、感謝が溢れ、愛が中心の生活でありますよう、イエス・キリストの尊き御名によってお祈り申し上げます。


黒川 康敬、Kii、Yua、Noa
