미국에서 귀국, 동경에서 1달, 토치기현에서 10일간의 체류를 마치고 미나미소마로의 이동까지 이 모든것이 순조롭게 이루어졌습니다. 여러분들의 기도와 후원, 그리고 주님께서 모든것을 완벽하게 인도해주셨음에 감사드립니다. 이 모든일에 수많은 분들의 도움이 있었습니다. 저희들의 힘만으로는 절대 불가능 했다는 것을 고백하며 이 모든 과정이 간증이 되었습니다. 정말 감사드립니다.
미나미소마시에 저희들을 위한 집이 허락될때까지, 하라마치그리스도복음교회(原町キリスト福音教会)의 2층에서 생활하게 됩니다.
첫째 YUA에게 있어 태어나서 7년간 7번의 이사입니다. 두 아이에게 늘 이사와 이별을 함께 경험하게 하는것같아 미안한 마음이 큽니다. 하지만 아직 7살인 아이가 “나는 예수님을 전하는 사람이에요.” 라는 이야기를 하는 모습을 볼때면, 아이들의 순수한 믿음에 감동하고 참 훌륭하다 라는 생각을 하게 됩니다.
미나미소마시청에는 미국에 있을때부터 계속해서 이주상담을 해왔었습니다. 이 지역출신인 매우 친절한 직원분과 연결이 되어, 앞으로의 미나미소마시에서의 생활가운데 많은 도움을 얻을수 있을것 같습니다.
또한 하라마치그리스도복음교회의 성도님들께도 수많은 협력을 얻고 있습니다. 아직 성도님들과는 만나지 못했지만, 저희 가족을 위해 여러가지 많은 준비를 해주셨다고 이야기를 들었습니다. 받은 모든사랑을 앞으로 복음전도를 위해 열심히 노력하겠습니다.
당분간 인터넷 환경이 좋지않지만 계속해서 블로그를 통해 소식을 전하는것은 물론, 디자인사역과 프로젝트 스텝으로서의 활동을 이어나가겠습니다. 모든 활동을 주님의 손에 맡겨드리며, 예수그리스도께 영광이 되길 기도하며 나아가겠습니다.
It has gone perfectly and smoothly so far, including returning from the US, staying in Tokyo for a month, staying in Tochigi for 10 days, and then moving to Minamisoma City. I thank the Lord that with your prayers, He has arranged and guided everything!
We have been helped by many people to this point. We are doing things that we could never have done on our own. This whole process has been a testimony. Thank you so much.
Until we could find a home in Minamisoma, we had to rent a room on the second floor of Haramachi Christ Evangelical Church.
Haramachi Christ Evangelical Church is located in the middle of a residential area.
For my oldest daughter, YUA, this is the seventh place she has lived in the seven years since she was born. I feel a little bad that my two daughters have to experience constant moving, meeting and parting. Until they are stabilized, I would like to prioritize taking care of my kids and solidify my life in Minamisoma City. However, even though she is only 7 years old, she already has a strong missionary spirit that she is going to tell people about Jesus, and I feel that kids are really honest and wonderful.
We had been asking for advice on moving to Minamisoma City since we were in the US. We were able to meet with a very kind, locally-raised staff member who will be able to give us advice on our future plans for moving and living here.
Also, the people of Haramachi Christ Evangelical Church have already given us a lot of help and support. We haven’t met any of the congregation yet, but they have been making all the arrangements for our family. This love will not stop here, but will spread from Minamisoma to Fukushima and all over Japan.
YUA and NOA are very interested in the church piano.
The internet connection is a rather unreliable Mobile tethered connection, but I will continue to update the blog, design, and do my duties as a staff member for each project. It will be a long time before the videos are available, but please look forward to our ongoing documentation of church plant. It’s all non-fiction, and we are moving forward without knowing how it will be. Everything is in the Lord’s hands, and may Jesus get the glory no matter what happens!
In the park in front of the church, there is a machine that displays the radiation level.Operation Blessing Japan’s BLESSING ROOM & soyocafe We received a car. It has a Adachi license plate, so it is a tamper-proof measure. Japan does not have to worry about being shot at. lol